Where Can RMPS Take You? – Laura – Religious Studies Student #WHYRMPS

charity shop.pngRMPS has so many possibilities and can lead on to so many different possible career paths.  This series is going to demonstrate the many paths that RMPS can take you on and the wide variety of occupations and career paths that it can help equip you for.

As well as being a student Laura is working part time as a Charity Shop Manager.

What did you Study?

Higher RMPS/Philosophy and MA Hons Religious Studies

Why did you choose to study it?

I always enjoyed learning about the way other people lived and looking at how religion influences individuals as well as society as a whole.

What is your Occupation?

I am currently finishing my degree whilst working as a charity shop manager part-time.

How did your study of RME (or related subjects) help you?

RME improves your communication skills as it is a subject based on expressing ideas and discussing issues.When looking at texts, primary or secondary, it helps to improve your analytical skills. In addition it also provides knowledge and understanding of moral and ethical issues alongside learning about different religions that are prevalent in society.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Be more confident with yourself.


Further Reading

MA Honours Religious Studies


Get Involved!

If you would like to submit your own story of your progression path from studying RMPS or something similar please contact me or fill in this form.  


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