#PedagooFriday Reciprocal Teaching

Reciprocal Teaching

Recently two colleagues taught me all about Reciprocal Teaching as a way of encouraging literacy in the classroom.

Each member of a group is given a different role, Predictor, Clarifier, Summariser or Questioner. All group members are given a piece of text to read, with each of them looking at a different role within this, it means that when they go to discuss the piece of text, they all have different ideas and perspectives to bring to it and it structures the activity much better.

Not only does this encourage literacy, it also encourages group work and makes each member accountable.

I have created some worksheets that will aid each member with their role and tasks to structure their reading.

You can download them here. Free Printables- Reciprocal Reading

Reciprocal Teaching

Well done to Ben and Annjanette for noticing my incorrect spelling of two! You have passed my secret literacy test! #autocorrectproblems

Read More Here: http://www.readingrockets.org/strategies/reciprocal_teaching

2 thoughts on “#PedagooFriday Reciprocal Teaching

  1. Really like the idea of reciprocal learning and will bbe using it in Geography lessons, one thing…was the to, not two colleagues ironic when talking about literacy ;)! Thank you for the great resources! Ben


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